Frequently Asked Questions

Do you guarantee against dahlia virus?

Unfortunately I do not. According to the ADS, up to 87% of all dahlias will test positive for at least one virus. Testing is extremely expensive and truly only good on the day you test, so unless you test on the same day you dig to divide it doesn’t do a lot of good. Although virus can be transmitted between dahlia plant and tuber, there are other vectors out there. Aphids and thripes frequently transmit virus, along with dirty snips. I’m an avid follower of “When in doubt, throw it out.” I toss anything questionable. Yellow veins and circular patterns always go in the garbage. I also bleach snips between plants. I use to think that was a little excessive, but I find myself stripping leaves and placing into buckets at every plant anyway, so it’s really not any extra work to change my sinus out at that same time.

What kind of guarantee to your tubers come with?

All tubers will come this a visible eye, a neck that is intact and a body. Please inspect your tuber when you get them and get ahold of me within 7 days if you have any problems with your tuber

Do you ever host U-picks?

I did have a few last year and they worked out great, mostly they were friends that needed buckets of flowers for special occasions. I’m totally open to doing a public one if I think the need is there. Dahlias are not offered for U-pick, but are totally available to you. I just pick ahead of time since I need to keep the patch clean, then I offer the flowers already picked in buckets of water to add to your bucket. I supplied the bucket to pick into then people brought their own bucket to transport back home. Please inquire with me directly if it’s something you would like to do, to discuss date, time and price.